VOL. 6, NO. 2, PGS. 32–48


The Impossibility of Authentically Critical Thinking in the Different Versions of Marxism
The Legitimizing Ideology of the Intellectual Sectors
H. C. F. Mansilla

H. C. F. Mansilla is a member of the Bolivian National Academy of Sciences and the Bolivian Academy of Language. He is the author of El desencanto con el desarrollo actual: las ilusiones and las trampas de la modernización.

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The concept of ideology is one of the most widely used and most controversial in the social sciences and political philosophy. Within the framework of this brief text it is not possible to account for the richness of this debate or the plurality of positions on the meaning of ideology[...]

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Interesting article I have rarely known a job as well documented as this. Congratulations


An old, skeptical teacher said, "the more I know men the more I love my dog." Simple and understandable words by almost everyone. This essay seems good to me as an idea. But I find it shocking to be written in a professorial language, for pairs of sociology or similar thing. It is so difficult for intellectuals to write critical thoughts about politics and society in words understood by everyone.In my case to the first word that I don't understand discouragement, I feel that the essay is not written for me. That it is only for an elite, no matter what their political thinking, is an elite.

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