X Congreso Latinoamericano de Agroecología
VOL. 6, NO. 2, PGS. 1–17


Professionalization of the Civil Service
Main Challenges
Gregorio Montero

Gregorio Montero is Vice Minister of State Reform and Modernization of the Ministry of Public Administration of the Dominican Republic.

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It is urgent to understand that in the context of the State and Public Administration of the 21st century, new theoretical and conceptual approaches and new work methodologies have emerged, which will necessarily lead us to the materialization of public plans and policies designed to face the challenges of integral [...]

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Among the standards of evaluation, a segment should be included in the user's opinion; of course it is different for each level of official, but it is what makes sense that he is in the service of the citizenry; and he is as such should be considered in the evaluation of his performance.

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