Eduardo Pizarro is Professor Emeritus at the National University of Colombia and former President of the National Commission for Reparation and Reconciliation (CNRR) and Colombian ambassador to the Netherlands. He is the author of De la guerra a la paz: las fuerzas militares entre 1996 and 2018.
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In the 1990s, Professor Samuel Huntington argued that a “third wave of democracy” was taking place globally, including in Latin America. Today, thirty years later, scepticism prevails, for although military dictatorships seem to be a thing of the past, democratic systems are experiencing complex challenges (and even visible setbacks) in [...]
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Entrepreneurship Education in Basic Education
The Mexican Case
Javier Damián Simón
There is no Modernization without Professionalization
The Pending Subject in Latin America
Rafael Martínez Puón
In Latin America there is a crisis of leadership, which the ruling leaders are trying to hide. Several aspects must be touched on: The continuing elections of the same presidential candidate who has no limit for reelection, and who has the control of electoral institutions that are not independent and are subject to what the president says or rules, makes the country fall asleep and enter into a harmful conformism, which he argues enjoys a dubious popular power.Translation:
Excellent article! The truth is that there are many efforts that human beings make to make everything go well. However, we never achieved it, because the human being is not able to direct his steps alone. That is why, in my opinion, only the Kingdom of God can solve the problems both national and international of the Earth. If you want to know more information you can see it at the following link:
Interesting analysis on the democratic issue in the world and in its Colombian particularity. I am afraid that in our country, the elites belonging to the right of which the liberal and conservative parties have been part of in recent decades-I do not distinguish ideologically from any of the bipartisanship-will do the impossible to maintain the validity of their rance and rotten ideologies, who will not repair the use of violence as it has already been a national constant. As part of the concert of diffuse pluripartisanship, I do not see any light either, if we consider a series of "center" parties, which represent equally uninvolved characters of right-wing politicians, whether they be Christian churches-what a danger to democracy greater than this, or others camouflaged by style. A stigmatized and divided left and a more broken Colombia every day. How can we trust the votes with incredible corruption and insanity? Colonialist education that continues in its proselytism in every school or an ignorance for lack of adequate education to increase and support churches and parties in power.
Desarrollo para la Ciencia y la Tecnología, C. A. Apartado Postal 2005 |