VOL. 5, NO. 5, PGS. 10–20


Science, Technology and Innovation in Bolivia
Visions and Projections
Blithz Y. Lozada Pereira

Blithz Y. Lozada Pereira is Professor Emeritus of Political Science, History and Philosophy at the Higher University of San Andrés, member of the Bolivian Academy of Language and corresponding member of the Royal Spanish Academy. He is the author of Políticas comparadas de conocimiento and bienestar en seis países sudamericanos.

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The implementation of governmental policy decisions concerning science, technology and innovation (STI) in no situation in Bolivia was given as state policies. There were practical similarities in the governments of the Movement for Socialism (MAS) for 15 years —including the current regime— but they did not carry out long-term policies [...]

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Interesting is the text for making us aware of the Bolivian reality, under two styles of government (those of the MAS) and of Ms. Anez. Obviously with the idea to favor the indigenous legacy it falls in extremes with the ethnocentric vision espoused by the Bolivian MAS ... in Venezuela it has had its drift in the attempt sustained by the Chávez government and successors to introduce the popular cultors as knowledge makers; and in the latest reform of the Organic Law of Science Technology and Innonovation (LOCTI) are seeking to equate the popular knowledge to the scientist. In my opinion, trying to do this makes them lose their characteristic.

Desarrollo para la Ciencia y la Tecnología, C. A.

Apartado Postal 2005
Maracay 2101–A
Aragua, Venezuela
+58 (0) 416 164.99.69

Depósito Legal: AR2016000116
ISSN: 2610-7864