VOL. 5, NO. 4, PGS. 63–75


The Digital and Scientific-Technological Revolution in Education
Education and Technology or Education as Technology
Félix García Moriyón

Félix García Moriyón is an Honorary Professor in the Department of Specific Didactics at the Autonomous University of Madrid. He is the author of Pregunto, dialogo, aprendo: cómo hacer filosofía en el aula.

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Technology has long been present in education, and in society. What’s more, the compulsory formal education was itself and continues to be one of the techniques or devices of control that Foucault spoke of: one of the decisive instruments of the control of bodies and minds, of disciplining. And it [...]

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It is true, education is a form of domination among the peoples, that is why it is under the administration of the state, and therefore of the government of the turn, I do not really speak of the use of digital technology in education, I do not perceive the reading oriented to the title that you put, the tendency in the not distant future is that the education or instruction is carried out in a remote way, which will bring a danger, is that the human being let the interrelationship with each other, and this is an important action, Because there is a need for the exchange of ideas and opinions, not remotely, but personally, the technology-oriented technological means must be properly administered

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Depósito Legal: AR2016000116
ISSN: 2610-7864