VOL. 5, NO. 4, PGS. 50–62


Technological Capability Building in Developing Countries
Experiences of South Korea, Mexico and Bangladesh
Mozammel Huq

Mozammel Huq 1 is Honorary Senior Lecturer in Economics at the University of Strathclyde (UK) and Visiting Professor of Economics at UttarBangla University College (Bangladesh). He is the editor of Building Technological Capability: Issues and Prospects – Nepal, Bangladesh and India.

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Technological capability building in developing countries is considered to be of vital importance for bringing about process and product improvements, and thus helping a country to remain competitive in this age of globalisation. However, in the literature, a generally accepted term referring to technological capability development is yet to emerge. [...]

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Much needed this article for government planners.

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ISSN: 2610-7864