VOL. 5, NO. 3, PGS. 18–25


Religion and Politics in Mexico
Situation, Reactions and Pending Readings
Edgar Zavala Pelayo

Edgar Zavala Pelayo is a Research Professor at the Centro de Estudios Sociológicos of El Colegio de México. He is the author of Sociologies and the Discursive Power of Religions.

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In the 1850s, and amid disputes and armed conflicts between liberal and conservative political groups, the Mexican Parliament gradually approved a series of legislative reforms that would end a considerable part of the legal and economic prerogatives of the Catholic Church in this country. While these measures arguably did little [...]

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buenos dias, muy interesante el articulo, es muy actual en toda America Latina, en especial en nuestro Pais Paraguay , a pesar de que nuestra Constitucion habla de la independencia es decir el Estado laico, sigue tan influyente en la politica, saludos.

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