VOL. 5, NO. 3, PGS. 1–8


Religion Can Be Positive for Economic Progress, and Negative Too
A conversation with Rachel McCleary and Robert Barro

This interview was conducted by Javier Toro.

Rachel McCleary is Lecturer in the Economics Department at Harvard University, Visiting Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, and Research Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. She is author of The Wealth of Religions: The Political Economy of Believing and Belonging.

Robert Barro is Paul M. Warburg Professor of Economics at Harvard University, Visiting Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, and Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research. He is author of The Wealth of Religions: The Political Economy of Believing and Belonging.

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Are the type of religion practised and religiosity an unequivocal determinant of a country’s economic performance today?

Robert Barro: I think saying that there is an unequivocal relationship is too strong. I think the relation is more nuanced. We found that religious beliefs that sustain traits such as work effort, thrift and honesty promoted economic growth. We also found that just more attendance at formal religious services, [...]

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Objetivamente, la relación o semejanza entre las diferentes religiones, a grandes rasgos y bajo un prisma generalista, es tan escasa que impide alcanzar cualquier conclusión. Un mismo hecho, que es intrínsecamente bueno y positivo en una determinada religión, para otra puede resultar negativo y objeto de persecución. El análisis de los entrevistados corresponde a una visión muy personal, muy probablemente fruto de su desvinculación a una religión en particular. No obstante, esto no es reflejo de objetividad, sino de una visión bastante parcial e incompleta. El epígrafe de este artículo ya lo evidencia. No debería por tanto tratarse tan a la ligera un asunto tan complejo.
Muchas gracias, y espero que no se moleste por lo que para mi, es una obviedad.

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