VOL. 5, NO. 2, PGS. 9–16


How to Achieve Deep Decolonisation
A conversation with Josef Estermann

This interview was conducted by Javier Toro.

Josef Estermann is a Professor at the University of Lucerne. He is also the author of Más allá de occidente: Apuntes filosóficos sobre interculturalidad, descolonización and el Vivir Bien andino.

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What are colonisation and imperialism? Have colonisation and imperialism been an exclusively Western practice?

Colonisation and imperialism have not been exclusively Western or European enterprises. They existed even before the Romans, for example in Greece, in China. The Greeks had colonies all over the Mediterranean and even reached the borders of India. The Chinese were not very colonialist but they were imperialist. The Romans, [...]

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My name is Madelyn Castillo de 5to Baccalaureate A The colonization has the desire to occupy a particular territory to populate it, to cultivate the land and to explore the natural resources. In contrast, imperalism refers to the conquest of a foreign territory to dominate and not to have the desire to populate it.
The demographic pressure was one of the causes of the prevailing expansion, since the lands did not yield enough, then the territory had to be expanded, other of its causes was the economic pressure and the desire for power.
Arab colonization was very important in the middle ages as part of the Mediterranean, Europe and the Middle East was conquered by the Arabs and the Ottoman Empire. The Incas conquered entire peoples and many times colonized them and imposed the Quechua language and their religion. The trigger for the conquest and colonization of Latin America was when Christopher Columbus arrived in the Dominican Republic and Haiti when they later discovered that precious metals were found on the island.
The empires that did not have the desire to populate other lands but to exploit them were the Catholic empires the opposite of that happened in North America, the United States and part of Canada. The biggest obstacle that can be to achieve decololization is that many people value more an English publication than one in Quechua and Hindu, and even in Spanish we can use the language of the dominator to make ourselves heard, we can make creative and innovative reinterpretations it is always very important to value our own language and that of others.


In the affirmation and development of this process-often known as the "Great Decolonization"-they converge a series of elements that explain and promote their evolution and culmination. In the first place, it is important to highlight the crisis of imperialism (see Imperialism) conceived as a historical phase that had in its time been the responsibility of the European powers for the absolute territorial domain. The profound crisis affecting the European metropolitan powers as a result of successive world conflicts is a propitious context for the germination and strengthening of nationalist movements in the territories under colonial rule, often led by a few representatives of the local intelligentsia.


Thank you
Norman Monterroso


Norman Catalino Monterroso Rosales. 5th Baccalaureate section A The colonization was a kind of escape from poverty in European countries that there was very little future. People from several countries migrated to America to colonize the virgin lands of the new world. And since the colonization of North America was easy since the empires were very little organized and there were no civilizations with political, economic, cultural and other organizations. Now in Central America there were well-developed empires that had military force. Christopher Columbus wanted to reach India but instead of the Indian Columbus he met with Dominican Republic and Haiti where they realized that they had precious metals and it was what awakened him the idea of conquest in America. In what is now the United States and even a part of Canada, it was where those who were fleeing from the lack of opportunities in the European territory arrived. The Europeans could not conquer the Americans but they did win their will and they got their benevolence. According to my understanding there are two types of decolonization: the formal one that has to do with the independence of the modern states of the colonial powers. Mental decolonization has to do with the abandonment of stereotypes, prejudices and privileges.
Decolonization is something that disrupts the entire state, economy, education system, etc. One of the great problems in solving the decolonization processes is racism and the possibility of a true decolonization is linked with the realization, perspective and horizon of the greatest obstacle to achieving deep decolonization are the neocolonial, neoliberal and capitalist systems that impose the rules of the game. For a country, and much more for an individual or a group of people, it's not easy to get rid of them. First there are the economic pressures, which are very strong.


My Name is Jeffrey Eduardo Acu Salazar of 5th Baccalaureate Section B As many do not know the term Decolonization, that is concerning a process carried out, which the empires fought for their colonies, they arrived to remain in humanity, as an example to follow one as human being has the authority to always remain with the forehead aloft, this is based on a content that leads to a brief explanation, opens step to be removed from a ' deep colonial practice, Nowadays it was always tendency to know of them, even there are magazines, books that are the most important environment to the empires, the Greek Romans, this leads a manifestation on the liberation of territories that millions of years ago, they were in power, based a little on the Greeks, they had most of the territories "colonies" in the Mediterranean, in if all encompassed large parts, even places that did not belong to them, the colonialists and imperialists were the Chinese and the Romans, but in conclusion the governments always focused on the political, economic and social for their benefit, instead everything that is going on is a bit of imperialism, applying an environment to domination one of them can make the capitalist states that impose laws and it was an ordeal to escape or to free themselves, in the antiquity to the Actuality has always remained the discrimination for the social classes,


As you know, the colonization is a set of people in a territory far from its people, and they arrive at a certain place with the intention of staying and populating it so that they can exploit their natural wealth, etc.
The issue of colonisation is not only in the West but also in Latin America, but is it possible to achieve deep decolonization? there is a lot to talk about with regard to this issue as one of the factors that I consider important in decolonization is discrimination, what? good people are discriminated against on all sides either because it is colored, because it is high, low, I also consider that you can put the issue of difference in economic societies, well if you discriminate people by being different at the time of a decolonization I think that you will not let people like others say "different" have the same rights as them, that their children study in a good school, that they are given the right to vote, yes or if we all have the right to all we are human beings, we are not different, we should have the same rights. What I do disagree with is that today, knowing very well these issues, let us continue to mistreat our wealth. We know that in the beginning the colonization took place for many reasons like poverty, lack of work, and so people decided to migrate to other horizons in order to be able to come out as well I wrote previously are groups of people who come from a village to stay and exploit our natural assets, but today I think that it is no longer necessary, Because there are jobs the problem is that the states do not want people like all of us young people to get over and get to where they are because they know we will do a better community because we have good ideas that we know will work but as the governments do not let the population get over it is why everyone and the economy continues like this.
My name is Dulce Maria Lopez Chiroy from 5th Baccalaureate in Science and Letters with Guidance in Computing.
douglas castillo


My name is Douglas Enrique Castillo Morales of the fifth baccalaureate in science and letters with guidance in computing, in the text entitled, " How to achieve the Profunda Decolonization "first of all we must be clear about the concept of decolonization which the page tells us" processes of transformation of the colonialist social imaginary or "colonized", characterized by the replication of racist and endorracist discourses, the legitimization of the dichotomy "center/periphery", the Eurocentrism, the economic dependence and the subalternada as perspective. " In order to be able to understand a little more clearly the text that we are presented, as soon after Professor Josef Estermann asked us two questions which we should answer with our own opinion but there is a question which we should have an emphasis on and investigate further "Was the colonization of Latin America very different from the colonization of North America, Asia and Africa? " He tells us that the detonating for the colonization of Latin America was the presence of precious materials, telling us that the opposite happened in North America, in what is today the United States and even a part of Canada. There came the Protestants, the pietists and other minorities fleeing the persecution they suffered in their countries, in Britain, in Germany, in part of France. They arrived there seeking as a refuge, His intention from the beginning was to populate those lands, to live in them, to cultivate them. He tells us that, in Asia and Africa, the situation was totally different. There were already many established empires. The Europeans could not conquer them, but they did manage to gain their will and achieve their benevolence. They were imposed by the Roman currency of "divide to reign", through agreements that were often not so clean. In conclusion, the colonization of Latin America, North America of Asia and Africa was very different since some were planned ill-intentioned and the other was not, another question would be can decolonization be able to maintain the dominant ideas today on the way the State, the economy, etc.? the truth not since corruption and many more events will always be present as much as they want to avoid.


They have not been exclusive to Europe and Asia, they existed since before the Romans, the Greeks also had colonies all over the Mediterranean even managing to reach limits with India. The Chinese instead were more imperialist, and the Romans were on the middle limit of both.
The word Cologne has its origins with the Romans, the Arabs in colonization was important in the middle ages.

What is its origin?
For medieval Europe the expansion was carried out by the demographic pressure.

In Latin America it was very different, since Christopher Columbus wanted to go to India but I just discovered a wonderful paradise! Now called the Dominican Republic. Lastidiously one of the great differences that has passed since before is the racism that has been taking place in Latin America for a long time, and that is a worrying thing since many people suffered and will continue to suffer much because of this.

The case of decolonization would be unlikely because of many people with power, and they send and do everything they want and it suits them.

Conclusion: well, we realize all that is also a negative aspect of colonization, which would be the racism and abuse of power who carry the laws and orders.

But it benefited the expansion and discovery of many other countries, a clear and beautiful example Latin America.
Yesenia Vasquez


Decolonization is not enough only to meet the aforementioned definition, but it is necessary to examine in depth how the colonial model in the world has been eradicated, what is the normative framework that deals with this practice, how the most recent case of decolonization has been developed, and in which state the processes that are still pending are being found. Decolonization as a historical process gives an account to the process of colonization that has been taking place for more than 500 years in its various manifestations. However, this process is not uniform in some cases. The process of colonism, which we previously referred to, and decolonization reduced to the recovery of integrity, a reduced identity to a problem of equality of socio-cultural and economic opportunities.
Decolonization is about liberating revolutionizing dispatriarchy, orienting the reaffirmation of cultures of indigenous nations and indigenous peoples.
Gerber Maldonado


Colonialism and imperialism are not limited to Western and European organizations. They were already before the Romans, for example in Greece, China. The Greeks had colonies all over the Mediterranean, even to India. different reactions to it. The colonization and imperialism of the fifteenth century are slightly different from imperialism and the colonization of Romans, Greeks, Chinese, Mongols and Arabs. For medieval Europe, demographic pressure was one of the reasons for imperialist expansion: there was not enough land, so the territory had to be expanded. In modern Europe, economic pressure and the desire for power are one of the main causes of imperialist expansion.
Christopher Columbus wanted to take the western route to India, believing it would be a shorter and safer route for Indian spices. However, instead of India, Columbus arrived at the Spaniel, an island now in the Dominican Republic and Haiti. Name: Gerber Maldonado Grade: 5th "B"
Pamela Satey


Christopher Columbus arrived in Spain, the island in which today is known as the region of the Dominican Republic and Haiti since they discovered that there were precise metals and that was where the conquest and colonization of Latin America arose since the great motivation was the exploitation of the metals. In Asia and Africa there were already several established empires, Europeans failed to conquer either Asia or Africa only managed to win their will the Europeans were not as clean to divide to rule example: the British were imposed as colonial power it is good to know how all that was of the conquest since we did not know how it was all that. To all those who started colonization cost them since not everyone spoke the same language apart from that the Protestant came to North America where it is now known as the United States and Canada there came the Protestants, the piotetists and other minorities fled the persecution that they sufiran is their countries, in Britain, in Germany, in part france. They arrived sought as a refuge as a new paradise.
Pamela satey 4to B


Evelyn vasquesz de 5to baccellarto sección A.

I know that decolonization has changed a lot since the fifteenth century because decolonization was very different from China and the Greeks as it was before with the Romans and it was very difficult for necolonial and and capitalist because they impose the rules of the game q it was not easy to release them and it was found that they had to learn English for valerce just like that because the rest were white and blue eyes while they were of another race and that was the May obstacle of colonization in America Latin


Evelyn vasquesz de 5to baccellarto sección A.

I know that decolonization has changed a lot since the fifteenth century because decolonization was very different from China and the Greeks as it was before with the Romans and it was very difficult for necolonial and and capitalist because they impose the rules of the game q it was not easy to release them and it was found that they had to learn English for valerce just like that because the rest were white and blue eyes while they were of another race and that was the May obstacle of colonization in America Latin


I know that decolonization has changed a lot since the fifteenth century because decolonization was very different from China and the Greeks as it was before with the Romans and it was very difficult for necolonial and and capitalist because they impose the rules of the game q it was not easy to release them and it was found that they had to learn English for valerce just like that because the rest were white and blue eyes while they were of another race and that was the May obstacle of colonization in Latin America
Pamela Satey


Christopher Columbus arrived in Spain, the island in which today is known as the region of the Dominican Republic and Haiti since they discovered that there were precise metals and that was where the conquest and colonization of Latin America arose since the great motivation was the exploitation of the metals. In Asia and Africa there were already several established empires, Europeans failed to conquer either Asia or Africa only managed to win their will the Europeans were not as clean to divide to rule example: the British were imposed as colonial power it is good to know how all that was of the conquest since we did not know how it was all that. To all those who started colonization cost them since not everyone spoke the same language apart from that the Protestant came to North America where it is now known as the United States and Canada there came the Protestants, the piotetists and other minorities fled the persecution that they sufiran is their countries, in Britain, in Germany, in part france. They arrived sought as a refuge as a new paradise. Pamela satey 4to B
Alicia Montenegro


"Well," said Alicia Saray Montenegro Can 5th baccalaureate secc :B " Good at colonization refers to the desire to occupy a certain place to be populated and to sow or cultivate in the land so that its resources can be exploited, instead imperialism is the conquest of a place or place that does not have a master, and then dominate it but this time without population. In modern Europe the main causes of an imperialist expansion were economic pressure and power. Colonization was a kind of escape from poverty, between the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries in many European countries there was much famine or hunger and very little future. Formal decolonization has to do with the independence of some Modern States, in Latin America decolonization was possible thanks to the wars of independence of the nineteenth century, today in the United Nations they have 193 sovereign and independent countries, instead the mental decolonization is given through an abandonment of stereotypes of an elite in India and Latin America, the Creole elites have a role of colonizers after a formal decolonization.
Hugo Álvarez


I think and I think that, for about two decades, the discourse that includes the concepts of 'coloniality, decolonization, and interculturality' has become almost inflationary, not only in the context of the emergence of new political proposals in different countries of Latin America, but also in the critical social sciences and in voices that seek to rescue the post-modernity for a critical and post-colonial theory of multi-or pluricultural societies. I Hugo Daniel Álvarez huezo Summo: This brief essay of reform or debate on the subject indicated, did not title from the perspective of an intercultural, critical and libertarian philosophy, To clarify the concepts involved in distinguishing between positions more than less languages and comemorative of interculturality decolonization on one side, the critical positions and on the other hand. We are at a historical point. I summarize: This brief essay, reform or debate on the subject indicated, did not title from the perspective of an intercultural, critical and libertarian philosophy, seeking to clarify the concepts involved in distinguishing between positions more than less languages and comemorative of interculturality and decolonization. 

Alfredo Bol Arreba


The Weberian Standard View: virtuous Protestantism in the face of sinful Catholicism. Pity that details such as the founding of universities, the construction of theatres and hospitals in the Catholic and Hispanic parts from the earliest times of the 16th century (with no equivalent in the Protestant part until centuries after the arrival of the virtuous and apparently nothing Protestant exploiters to the north) do not end up fitting into the standard vision.
Oscar Daniel Morales Esteban


Oscar Daniel Morales Esteban 4to Baccalaureate section B 1.Colonisation as it refers to the desire to occupy a certain 2.territory for it to be tested, must be tested to cultivate the 3.Earth, to exploit its natural resources. The colonization of 4.North America was relatively easy because in North America there were no well organized empires. There were no civilizations with all of organization that was political, economic, cultural and in end 7.etc, the thing that they could do in front of the colonizers but rather an group of ethnicities that were The decolonization could be possible thanks to the 10 wars of independence of the XXth century. Deep decolonization 11 calls into question the stereotypes and the institutions, but does not 12.mean a return to a state prior to that of the colony. The change of mind that implies the deep decolonization must 14.come good I think from the ordinary people. For 15.occurs the deep decolonization there must be a seizure of 16.consciousness of the people that one is aligned of their own 17.culture, there must be a process of retaking and revaluing the 18.own, a slightly more critical vision must be taken in front of the 19.current of dominant thought, versus what comes from the 20.Occent.Well that's my personal comment about the issue of 21.the deep decolonization is a brief summary of what is the deep 22.decolonization.
douglas castillo


My name is Douglas Enrique Castillo Morales of the fifth baccalaureate in science and letters with guidance in computing, in the text entitled, " How to achieve the Profunda Decolonization "first of all we must be clear about the concept of decolonization which the page tells us" processes of transformation of the colonialist social imaginary or "colonized", characterized by the replication of racist and endorracist discourses, the legitimization of the dichotomy "center/periphery", the Eurocentrism, the economic dependence and the subalternada as perspective. " In order to be able to understand a little more clearly the text that we are presented, as soon after Professor Josef Estermann asked us two questions which we should answer with our own opinion but there is a question which we should have an emphasis on and investigate further "Was the colonization of Latin America very different from the colonization of North America, Asia and Africa? " He tells us that the detonating for the colonization of Latin America was the presence of precious materials, telling us that the opposite happened in North America, in what is today the United States and even a part of Canada. There came the Protestants, the pietists and other minorities fleeing the persecution they suffered in their countries, in Britain, in Germany, in part of France. They arrived there seeking as a refuge, His intention from the beginning was to populate those lands, to live in them, to cultivate them. He tells us that, in Asia and Africa, the situation was totally different. There were already many established empires. The Europeans could not conquer them, but they did manage to gain their will and achieve their benevolence. They were imposed by the Roman currency of "divide to reign", through agreements that were often not so clean. In conclusion, the colonization of Latin America, North America of Asia and Africa was very different since some were planned ill-intentioned and the other was not, another question would be can decolonization be able to maintain the dominant ideas today on the way the State, the economy, etc.? the truth not since corruption and many more events will always be present as much as they want to avoid.
douglas castillo


My name is Douglas Enrique Castillo Morales of the fifth baccalaureate in science and letters with guidance in computing, in the text entitled, " How to achieve the Profunda Decolonization "first of all we must be clear about the concept of decolonization which the page tells us" processes of transformation of the colonialist social imaginary or "colonized", characterized by the replication of racist and endorracist discourses, the legitimization of the dichotomy "center/periphery", the Eurocentrism, the economic dependence and the subalternada as perspective. " In order to be able to understand a little more clearly the text that we are presented, as soon after Professor Josef Estermann asked us two questions which we should answer with our own opinion but there is a question which we should have an emphasis on and investigate further "Was the colonization of Latin America very different from the colonization of North America, Asia and Africa? " He tells us that the detonating for the colonization of Latin America was the presence of precious materials, telling us that the opposite happened in North America, in what is today the United States and even a part of Canada. There came the Protestants, the pietists and other minorities fleeing the persecution they suffered in their countries, in Britain, in Germany, in part of France. They arrived there seeking as a refuge, His intention from the beginning was to populate those lands, to live in them, to cultivate them. He tells us that, in Asia and Africa, the situation was totally different. There were already many established empires. The Europeans could not conquer them, but they did manage to gain their will and achieve their benevolence. They were imposed by the Roman currency of "divide to reign", through agreements that were often not so clean. In conclusion, the colonization of Latin America, North America of Asia and Africa was very different since some were planned ill-intentioned and the other was not, another question would be can decolonization be able to maintain the dominant ideas today on the way the State, the economy, etc.? the truth not since corruption and many more events will always be present as much as they want to avoid.
Claudia Navas


The term decolonization refers to the process by which the territories subjected to the colonial powers manage to put an end to their status as a colony. This process, which involves the elimination of colonial practice, is one of the most important recent phenomena on a global level, since it has led to the liberation of territories that for centuries had been under the control of colonial powers and this has profoundly transformed the global political map. However, in order to approximate the issue of decolonization, it is not enough to only attend to the aforementioned definition, but it is necessary to examine in depth how the colonial model in the world has been eradicated, what is the normative framework that deals with this practice, how the most recent case of decolonization has been developed, and in which state the processes that are still pending are to be found.
Lolita GP


Decolonization revolves around the person's awareness processes. Then, the problem is the formation of the person in a world where education focuses on the training oriented to submission.
Sindy Méndez


Colonisation and imperialism have not been Western companies either European companies already ixistian before the Romans example: Greece and China the Greeks had colonies in the Mediterranean and they reached the limits of India Imperialist expamsion was the demographic pressure, the colonisation of the Romans Critobal Columbus wanted to reach the Indian wing by the western way, This is the first time the domimican republic has been established, in North America in what is now the United States and also a part of the canada. It is necessary to differentiate the formal and formal colonisation of the formal Collnization: politics has to do with the independence of eastados and modern powers. Mental colonization: it has a fever with the prejudices and fertilizers The race and the places culture of this is treated Sindy Neyma Paola Méndez Hernández 4th baccalaureate "A"
Sindy Méndez


The colonization and the empire have not been Western companies either European companies already existed before the Romans example: Greece and China The Greeks had colonies in the Mediterranean and they reached the limits of the Indian Expamsion imperialist due the demographic pretion The colonization ahead are distinct from the imperialism and the Roman colonization.
Christopher Columbus wanted to reach the Indian side through the western way but colon came to the spain that to this day the Dominican Republic and haiti are settled in North America in what is today the United States and also a part of canada. It has to differentiate on formal and mental colonization. Formal colonization: politics has to do with the independiation of states, and modern powers. Mental colonization: it has to do with prejudice, credit and the race, places the culture of this is treated
Edison René Enríquez Pérez de 4to bachillerato sección A


My name is Edison René Enriquez Pérez from 4th Baccalaureate section A He says that the Greeks had colonies all over the Mediterranean and that they reached the limits of India and also says that the Chinese were very colonialist and that also the Romans were very colonialist and also imperialist. He says that the colonization and the imperialism of the fifteenth century are different from the imperialism and colonization of the Romans, of the Greeks, It says that in Europe among the main causes of the imperialist expansion is the economic pressure and the afan.they also say colonization was escape from poverty. Also Christopher Columbus wanted to reach India by the West but in view of coming to India he came to the Spanish. They also believe that decolonization, the state of the economy, the education system, the health system, the legal system and religion. It also says that formal decolonization, politics has to do with independence and also says that racism has been the biggest problem of decolonization. They also think that the greatest obstacle to decolonization is neo-colonial, neoliberal and capitalist systems.
Damaris Vásquez.


However, this was a new form of colonialism one of an imperialist kind and as such a lot more aggressive.
Colonization and imperialism became extinct in many countries. For example, the Inca Empire was one of the empires that conquered entire peoples and colonized them.
However, colonialism or colonization was also a way out of poverty as the lands where they lived did not yield enough to have a good economy and they had to migrate to get it.
In America, for example, the conquest and colonization was different, since the migrant peoples had in mind to inhabit new lands and to cultivate them, but it was not so in those lands that they had already empires to whom they could not conquer.
In the end the colonization brought many consequences for example slavery, poverty the loss of great territory but also brought with me the discovery of new lands.
Yeralin Aceytuno Sánchez


Colonization is to occupy a territory to populate it, to cultivate lands, ect. Imperialism is the opposite, it is finding a foreign territory to dominate it but not to populate it.
Colonisation is only non-European Western. It is curious because Chinese were not very colonialist but imperialist. And it is very important to know that the Arab colonization was important in the middle ages, as they conquered a part of the Mediterranean, a part of Europe and the whole of the East. It is also important to know that the Inca empire came to occupy part of the territories of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina. It is also important for one of the shelf to know that Christopher Columbus conquered and colonized Latin America with precious metals that began the exploitation of metals to this day.
One important fact is that Latin America formally decolonized it through independent wars.
Yeralin Aceytuno Sánchez


Colonization is to occupy a territory to populate it, to cultivate lands, ect. Imperialism is the opposite, it is finding a foreign territory to dominate it but not to populate it.
Colonisation is only non-European Western. It is curious because Chinese were not very colonialist but imperialist. And it is very important to know that the Arab colonization was important in the middle ages, as they conquered a part of the Mediterranean, a part of Europe and the whole of the East. It is also important to know that the Inca empire came to occupy part of the territories of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina. It is also important for one of the shelf to know that Christopher Columbus conquered and colonized Latin America with precious metals that began the exploitation of metals to this day.
One important fact is that Latin America formally decolonized it through independent wars.
zaid cheguen


The colonization is given because the most developed countries needed materials for them some are given to still travel to find materials however they found civilization not advanced and it was very easy for them to deceive them with other forms and thus they earned precious materials they lost important materials that they did not know that they were the ones that arrived the dominated and being conolized so exploiting it with works that they did not know or learning from those works and exploiting in different continents some knew that they had precious materials and knew that it worked for them and some who came to that continent did not think they could not colonize them or deceive them from some or other this is very different when they colonized to North America easy and to Central America great civilizations lost with those who was a small exercise In Asia and Africa they could not conolize them since those 2 countries already had empires established in europe slavery was something normal ago Time is to be understood that colonialism is understood in 2 different points the first would be that those who colonized could have several resources and exploit them and the 2 would be only the eagerness to find treasures new lands and slaves
Ervin Castillo.


Colonisation and imperialism are not exclusively Western companies, they were used before the Romans now, colonialism is not the same as imperialism. Colonization is the desire to occupy a certain territory and imperialism is the conquest in order to exploit the land and its resources.
Colonisation and imperialism can happen because the land is not enough to yield enough, or because of the pressure of the economy and the desire for power.
But there is decolonization, one is formal and another is mental.
Can decolonization be achieved?
In my opinion I would say that not because people are not so easy to change mentally and not only that, but there would have to be political and economic changes. But I wouldn't say it would be impossible If the mindset of society changed it would be much easier to achieve decolonization.


COLONIALISM AND IMPERIALISM If we go back to the past, colonialism has always been a political and economic system for which a foreign state dominates and exploits the colonies, and if we talk about it there are always consequences one of them can be. " Islamic fundamentalism "

And all this is based on the decisions of government, on the minds and behaviors of men, every residue of imperialism that is based on ideas of superiority and applying practices of domination that imply the extension of the authority and control of one state over another, in the fifteenth century is where the imperialism is born the European expansion.
All of us know that the main causes of imperialism are: economic, religious, political, idiological and scientific in conclusion both suppose the imposition of a dominated culture, Violan the sovereignty of a nation
Esteban Morales


The term decolonization refers to the process by which the territories subjected to the colonial powers manage to put an end to their status as a colony. This process, which involves the elimination of colonial practice, is one of the most important recent phenomena on a global level, since it has led to the liberation of territories that for centuries had been under the control of colonial powers and this has profoundly transformed the global political map. However, in order to approximate the issue of decolonization, it is not enough just to meet the above definition, but we must examine in depth how the colonial model in the world has been eradicated.
Some of the obstacles are the capitalist systems that impose rules on us for the country and its people, and it is not easy to get rid of it since you do not have the economic power to do so is also the symbolic order that discriminates against us practically because we are not high or blue eyes or even not knowing English and because we have none of these traits people do not take us seriously or even attention put us. One of the examples given is that English is worth much more than any other language and to achieve decolonization all this must change and thus it can be achieved.


The colonisation and the non-fié imperialism brought by the Europeans, already existed before the Romans, the word colony, comes from colere, which means to till the earth.
Colonization refers to the desire to have lands to exploit its resources, imperialism is quite the opposite since its objective is to dominate the territory.
The main causes of European imperialism were economic pressure and the desire for power. Colonization was considered an escape from poverty. Colonization in Latin America was based on the discovery of its treasures, mainly metals and natural resources.
Formal decolonization, it is the independence of the states, in Latin America this decolonization was given in the wars of independence in the nineteenth century. In Latin America it is wanted to achieve a massive decolonization, but the greatest obstacles are the systems: neocolonial, neoliberal and capitalist.
There is also mental decolonization, which is based on awareness, in a perspective or horizon, if it is within its own realm.

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Aragua, Venezuela
+58 (0) 416 164.99.69

Depósito Legal: AR2016000116
ISSN: 2610-7864