X Congreso Latinoamericano de Agroecología
VOL. 4, NO. 6, PGS. 1–6


The Rule of Law: A Facilitator for the Pursuit of Happiness
A conversation with Randy E. Barnett

Randy E. Barnett is Patrick Hotung Professor of Constitutional Law and the Director of the Georgetown Center for the Constitution at the Georgetown University. He is the author of The Structure of Liberty: Justice and the Rule of Law.

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Is there a natural law for human behaviour? Why is it important to think in terms of natural law to determine how society should be organized?

I believe there is a natural law for human behavior. Human creatures have an inherent basic nature that separates them from other creatures. Moreover, their happiness depends on their actualizing the potential they have as human beings. Humans beings have a nature and they exist in the world, which also [...]

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Certainly a very interesting article, especially talking about the welfare of a society and its rules of the game


"Natural laws" have been referred to by the worst rules, religious hardliners and their propagandists and clerics. You should rather refer to and rely on universal "human rights" along UN principles. Manfred.Nitsch@t-online.de. Professor emeritus of Economics/Political Economy at Freie Universität Berlin AUTOMATIC TRANSLATION The worst rulers, religious hardliners and their propagandists and clerics have referred to "natural laws." Instead, it should refer to and rely on universal "human rights" according to the principles of the UN. Manfred.Nitsch@t-online.de. Professor Emeritus of Economics/Political Economy at Freie Universität Berlin

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