VOL. 4, NO. 4, PGS. 16–24


Latin American Regionalism
Motives, Contradictions and Perspectives
Peter Birle

Peter Birle is Scientific Director of the Ibero-American Institute in Berlin and former President of the German Association for Latin American Research. He is also co-editor of Elites en América Latina.

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Ideas and convictions play an important role in politics. This applies both to national politics and to international relations between states. It is not without reason that Benedict Anderson spoke of nations as “imagined communities”, i.e. entities that are held together and kept alive by the imagination and convictions of [...]

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A good count of the different initiatives of regionalism as well as of the exact interests that have still been in force since its beginning with the attempt of the Congress of Panama (1826): preservation of national sovereignty ... more and more horadade, not only for the economic and political, but for the new perspectives on human rights (individual, gender, ethnicities, among others) that are supranational, which would make that vision of sovereignty should be updated. Will we understand Latin Americans?
Examples of scientific cooperation only refer to the examples of the social sciences, which also suffer from the recurrent ideological and political divisions in the region. The author forgot the effort of institutions such as the Latin American Academies of Sciences as ACAL, the Latin American Center of Physics and others in the different areas of the natural and exact sciences.
I share with the author, 1) the commitment to regional integration, relying on civil society actors, whether not not close to the borders-not for example scientific societies, p.e. and 2) pessimism about the emergence of an effective regional organization, since Latin Americans are difficult, given the multiplicity of visions of the region (imagined, interesting concept) that hinder the pragmatism that will be required at any given moment. But this does not make it any less certain that it is necessary and that we continue to make efforts for it to exist.
Hilde's proposal on what Latin Americans think about being integrated or not.


It is a good reflection on Latin American regionalism, viewed from the position of economic political leadership. It would be interesting to do a study with approaches to the users of the Latin American territories and learn from them what it means to feel or not integrated.

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