This interview was conducted by Javier Toro.
Hans-Joachim Voth is Professor of Economics at the University of Zurich and the Scientific Director of the UBS Center for Economics in Society.
In a normal crisis, and by that I mean a crisis due to natural disasters, for example, part of the production capacity is lost because part of the infrastructure or part of the manufacturing base is destroyed. There may also be some people who die, but the main thing happening [...]
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Poverty in the Capitalist System
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I think the interview is excellent and at the same time this pandemic will turn the economy in many countries; in Peru, for example, we are manufacturers, but we export primary resources. We are going to be affected by the scarcity of goods that we do not produce or will cost us much more.
Desarrollo para la Ciencia y la Tecnología, C. A. Apartado Postal 2005 |