X Congreso Latinoamericano de Agroecología
VOL. 3, NO. 1, PGS. 21–34


Fake News in the Brazilian Elections
Business Organisation and Political Manipulation
Henrique Wellen

Henrique Wellen is a Professor at the Department of Social Services of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte.

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Given its impact on various election results, there has been much discussion about the use of social media as a resource for political manipulation. In the United States, in Bulgaria, in Brazil, various analyses have appeared on the use of this form of communication to try to influence people’s [...]

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Interesting; but I would like Enrique to use others
examples: Venezuela (2000-2018); Peru, 2016; Nicaragua;
Bolivia; Argentina /era kishnerista, etc.
All of them have used the FW to smash the
Opponents: Work with hatred: Emblematic cases, PT cases from Brazil, Venezuela, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Cuba, against the Empire. Case Peru, against the zaga Fujimori; If he does not make that analysis, he gives the impression that Enrique is a member of the PT, or at least of the São Paulo Forum.

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