University of Deusto
VOL. 1, NO. 3, PGS. 1–8


Oil and Rent-seeking Capitalism in Venezuela
A conversation with Asdrúbal Baptista

This interview was conducted by Javier Toro.

Asdrúbal Baptista is a Professor at the Institute of Advanced Studies in Administration (IESA) and the University of Los Andes and a founding member of the National Academy of Economic Sciences.

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What is rent-seeking capitalism?

When I began to study the Venezuelan economy, as an economist myself, an economist with historical concerns, I must tell you, I came across oil everywhere. Oil and its reality ended up causing me a kind of immense conceptual shock, because I did not see it as fitting into the [...]

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Excellent material from Dr. A. Baptista, for reflection and analysis to take into account for the country's Development Plans in the short, medium and long term.


If one wonders: How much does it weigh and where does the wealth of the so-called group of 8, the so-called G7 + 1, come from? It weighs very little or nothing and comes from the way how they handle, nurture, spread and increase information the knowledge and the ability to understand and realize value on the objects that surround us including their same congeners. The information-based economy is different from extraction-based economics. Venezuela continues to lose the opportunity to understand where the world's wealth comes from. If there are 299 years of "oil income" as defined by Prof. Baptista, it can be estimated that the oil will be useful in 150 years perhaps for the Plastic nothing more. And in 250 years maybe you have a better substitute. In 299 years perhaps another energy era will emerge. Changing the model is imperative.


Excellent. Dr. Asdrubal Baptista is an intellectual of very clear ideas and when they expose them he makes them with a clear didactic vocation. The people must be educated.

Desarrollo para la Ciencia y la Tecnología, C. A.

Apartado Postal 2005
Maracay 2101–A
Aragua, Venezuela
+58 (0) 416 164.99.69

Depósito Legal: AR2016000116
ISSN: 2610-7864