This report explores the views of representatives of the teaching profession, academia and industry in Venezuela on the purpose of education in the national context.
This report was originally published in May 2015 in the predecessor internet forum of this magazine.
This report was prepared by Javier Toro.
This translation has been automatically generated and has not been verified for accuracy.
This report is based on desk research and in-depth interviews. The following persons (listed in alphabetical order by surname) participated in the interview programme:
Liberal Democracy as Soft Despotism
A conversation with Ryszard Legutko
Political Polarisation in Mexico
The Enduring Rift in National Projects
Pablo Vargas González
Thank you very much for the e-mail. From what I have read above, the forum is very focused and adapted for the Venezuelan reality. In my case I am Spanish and I reside in Spain. I am not an expert nor have I studied the Venezuelan case, so I do not know if I will be able to contribute much.Translation:
Good morning to everyone:Translation:
Good day, first of all we thank you incorporated or try with the schools of Primary Education that belong to the AVEC, it should be emphasized that all the initiatives in Venezuela in matter of educational quality are impaired, due to the erroneous policies applied by the Venezuelan state, as we can speak of educational quality when those who lead the nation, it seems that they do not know the terminology, Moreover, they place and try to politicize education according to their failed socialist ideals, existence of anarchy, do not admit different thoughts to those they handle, there is no effective leadership, you must follow as seal with applause the mistakes that make and accept the inconsistencies that come to mind.Translation:
Hello comrades, good night. From the review of the document:Translation:
All respondents point to relevant aspects of the importance of education and quality. However, I think that quality and many other aspects of education, at all levels, depend on the development route of each country. Little do we do with brilliant minds and good analysts in the academic world, if the country, as a whole, is not a quality education plaintiff. To do this, it is necessary to be part of the international concert in economic, social and political aspects. In the recent Venezuelan case, all public policies point to the opposite: isolationism, low competitiveness, low innovation, breaking of the channels of knowledge diffusion, weakening of the private productive sector and so on. Recent public policies reduce the role of science, technology and education. Thousands of Venezuelans are migrated abroad with postgraduate, entrepreneurship and other qualities, while responsible ministers try to sow failed ideologies rather than knowledge.Translation:
I thank you for sending these valuable essays. I believe that this initiative will be of great use to the scientific, educational and research world. Many successes.Translation:
We will be active in this important forum.Translation:
In modern societies, the phenomenon of DEPENDENCE is no longer predominant, but the phenomenon of INTERDEPENDENCE, because we all depend on everyone. That's simple. And behind each of the problems facing societies, is ECONOMIC SCIENCE, that is, the science that leads the world.Translation:
Norma Ines Castillo Greeting a space like the present.Translation:
Greetings. "Quality in education" is a construct that alludes to different dimensions and different scenarios, it is not the same quality in the rural area, or in the depressed areas of society, for example, than in urban areas and in better living conditions. If we start from the fact that the quality obeys to minimum standards shared in a given society to value the actions aimed at achieving a purpose, then we will find ourselves with levels of quality, which are only evidenced if they make up a certain articulating pattern of the set of desirable conditions to achieve the educational ends, in addition to attending to the challenges and values of the society. Therefore, when we say that an institution is of quality, we are validating the opinion of a social group that has experienced such actions according to its goals. What is the aim of the education system? It is hoped that the citizens will be formed according to the postulates of the Constitution of the Republic and for this they require institutions, endowment, infrastructure, services, centers of documentation and information, research units, programs of exchange with the community, answers from the community and from the school, an educational process focused on the qualitative and teachers well formed, proactive, resourceful, dialogic, with high vocation, whose north is to live the best learning experiences and transfer a legacy to the new generations.Translation:
Dear friends of Simple Science, I am a student since 1955. My preschool did it on the field at a rural school in Los Haticos (Morán Township), where my aunt was Maestra with 21 years of age. Her vocation made her win the highest decoration received by the Masters in Democracy. The preschool level did not exist, but my Tia Zoila, was like a mother to the most chiquitos of the countryside, the children of the peasants, who always brought fruits and stuffed arepas to eat in the school. Some parents helped to clean up the Escuelita. I went through the classrooms of the Glorious Lyceo Lisandro Alvarado, the most aguerrido in the province of Venezuela, in favor of the struggles of the people. I did my first studies of Engineering to GANARME a quota in the UCV, presenting examination of admission, as of course it must be for one to demonstrate his professional vocation. In the wrong attitude the government of AD, it clears the UCV and closes it in 67. I was imprisoned in the cellars of the Digepol. And it is up to me again to present an examination of admission in the demanding Polytechnic of Barquisimeto and I return to earn my right to study in that great House of Studies of Technology and Applied Science. I am an organizer among other organizations, the Mathematical Club, the 1st Student Center and I belong to the Orfeon and the Student of the Polytechnic. I have the First Postgraduate Course of the Polytechnic with the auspices of UNESCO to form Teachers in Technological Education and I fulfill my vocation in the Polytechnic of Guayana. Today, I continue to study because I am basically a humble Entrepreneur who respected the like because I know that from him I can learn;Translation:
The period of CRISIS that our Country is experiencing may be a time for the revision of concepts and criteria for better education in the eyes of the next generations. As a product of this crisis, we are running out of generation of relief; young professionals are migrating in search of new horizons. Thus, over the age of 65, we must prepare for a return to the classrooms. What can we offer in addition to experience and good will?Translation:
Educational quality in the teaching of Science Orlando B. Escalona T. Retired professor at the University of Los Andes
Definitely, there are instances in the educational field that contribute to the achievement of the purposes of education to form a harmonious, visionary and prospective society. Thus we have, a macro-level instance where philosophical orientations, policies and the duty to be of education are gated. An instance at the level of organizational character that generates the set of actions and processes to reach such ends and, the actual school instance, where the educational fact occurs in a socio-historical-cultural context that permeates its actions. In these instances, each one of us (educators, students, families, social organizations, national, regional and local government and society as a whole) has some responsibility; the distortions occur when from the highest level they are not clear or they distort educational purposes, and they deviate the educational intentionalities that must be directed basically to achieve the happy life and in the fullness of every human being in that society.Translation:
I am fully convinced that only a quality teacher can provide a quality education, for me it is there where it is at the heart of the matter, it is not a problem of physical plant, endowment, salary increase is a crisis of vocation, commitment, conviction, preparation, disposition and delivery for with a priesthood as important as it is teaching, I will allow me to illustrate with a brief example: In the Bolivarian schools (although all schools must be bolivarians because in them they must rescue, promote, deepen and practice Bolivarian thinking, and not because their teachers charge bolivarian bonus) the schedule is 8 to 4 however the teachers are coming to the middle day, they have just given the notification that the Bolivarian bond was passed to the salary and the teachers are still coming to the middle day.Translation:
The Venezuelan state in the period of the so-called civil republic of 1959-1999 managed to expand compulsory and free education. Nevertheless, as well as the achievement of broad coverage, there were also great flaws: education reproduced in the classroom the authoritarianism, and the disrespect inherited from the colony and the gomecism and formed generations of passive people, humiliated by authoritarian teachers from primary to university, easy to manipulate, with a dependent attitude to the power lacking critical thinking and self-esteem to see about it: Quintero M.P.: Violence in the classroom of the Class.Autoritarisim/ Vs.Democracy In: FERMETMUM.Journal of Sociology Year 8 No. 23 1998 pp. 117-148 at:
Education is seen in an isolated way or divided by many, instead of seeing it from an integral and humanist perspective, as some have begun to see it, listen to it and feel it already in a multisensory way without any kind of exclusion as a whole. It is curious to observe how in social networks the responsibility is credited only to the family and it is in turn to the school in an intermittent circuit like to say, Who was first, the egg or the hen? ..Translation:
One of the conditions required to have a long-term education of quality, construction of values, liberating, humanist and humanizing, is to have public policies that develop through programs consonos with the needs and reality of the country. Otherwise we would be in the presence of a total improvisation, a contradictory discourse that does not guide the social actors and especially the school community. From this we have examples on a daily basis, teachers receive training, instructions and many forms that at short notice do not fulfill their task and then the process is repeated depending on the circumstances. There is a need for a common thread, knowledge of educational attainment in the high levels of organization, solidity and coherence in all actions with a country of advanced project, which promotes the development of society.Translation:
Friends of the DCT Forum, if the educational quality depends on having good students and good teachers chosen a priori, as Professor Jon Charterina Abando indicates, we would be talking about an education exclusively for the privileged sectors of society, and from that eminently classist conception we do not value or esteem education for the excluded from the system. It is as if we were talking about the quality of football and I was a didactic example to two great colossas of the football club of the Kingdom of Spain to emulate: Real Madrid and Barcelona.Translation:
Good methods and study habits are required. It is a rule to ensure the success of every good study as a student. In addition to the individual's capacity of the perception of analysis and synthesis, it allows to capture the object or phenomenon of study to investigate to represent and describe the phenomenon of study investigated.Translation:
Undoubtedly, it is gradually being built through words, phrases, criteria, constructs and ideas, in principle what can be understood by the "function of education in society", through opinions in the Venezuelan context.Translation:
The teacher directs the process, if the student does well. You don't teach what you don't know you don't give what you don't have. The teacher has the same responsibilityTranslation:
In the industrial area in Venezuela, there is great human potential, professional and student entrepreneurs, machinery, materials, equipment, however, it is not about quantity, but quality, evaluation, monitoring, monitoring and control. For this reason, the quality of technical education plays an important role in society, through it large companies, improve the production and quality of its product. Of course, if we fulfill our functions as teachers, and government agencies like ministry of education, governance, among others, it would improve education in the Venezuelan society.Translation:
Thank you for sending me this report and for including me in this community of teachers and education experts. The truth is that the subject gives for a lot. As a quick idea, soon, I would say that the quality of university education at least depends on the quality of the teaching team, but also on the quality of the students themselves. If there is selection and this is rigorous, with good students and bienos teachers, the result is very different. I have a proven real experience that shows it.Translation:
Perhaps it is appropriate to observe the phrase with a little more care: "The quality of education is conditioned to the quality of teachers". For some to say this with lightness, I infer that the responsibility of education rests exclusively on the teacher, and of course and without fear of being wrong, that is not true. Society is a conglomerate of things and structures that connect and when one of them ceases to exercise the assigned role within the system, the others suffer affections that grow vertiginously with the passing of time. That old expression: "Education comes out of the house", perhaps a little disused and in my case very particular, I prefer to go back to my origins and try to build the old way. When at home, a parent subtracts power and merit to a teacher, to justify his or her bad practice in the home, the student in particular loses respect for the person who teaches, including the application of the current laws in an unmeasured way, has turned the teaching into a safe target for those who endorse their responsibility in others. Therefore, I think it is appropriate to analyze the role that each of us plays in education and therefore, in society and from there, to reform behaviors and schemes, in order to try to put together a powerful instrument capable of changing societies and becoming a country of the first world.Translation:
Education is science. Therefore, it is necessary to know when investigating some elements of the social, cultural, political, economic, religious, philosophical, psychological, family, in addition where the thought action develops and develops ...Translation:
Society evolves according to the intentions of the role exercised by education, to process, build and transfer knowledge.Translation:
Good morning!!Translation:
Teaching is a permanent walk of information, reading, conversing, sharing with colleagues and students, something writing and above all giving classes; in each of these spaces and contexts is the development of the people, and of course it depends on all that environment; the quality of the teaching implies commitment, delivery and taste in the "performance".Translation:
It is said that the quality of education is conditioned to the quality of teachers. Now, I wonder what quality they refer to? since the university trains excellent professionals, but its human formation is weak. Unfortunately, the cognitive part is given greater importance and the emotional part is left to a second plane. Then, I raise another question. Why isn't the emotional part taken into account in the teaching-learning process as a fundamental part of the integral formation of the human being?I take the attribution of answering it with the right to be wrong, that the reason is purely cultural, we have no culture of expressing the emotions and above all the art of knowing how to listen, placing for a moment in the place of the other to try to understand and to feel its reality, the otherness itself.Translation:
Congratulations on the initiative, it is of the utmost importance that we discuss these issues and in particular the meaning of the premise "The quality of education is conditioned to the quality of teachers", since the teacher must reflect on what, for what, when, how and why the reason for his practice ... as the central axis of training for life ... because it must be formed for life, but not to live ... because this is short ... and we are as time changing constantly and in each of them there is a learning ...Translation:
Thanks for the shipments, a line of demand is maintained, fruitful ideas emerge.Translation:
Grateful to God and you for allowing me the information by this means, I agree with the opinion of the doctors [Eleuterio Martínez] [José Daniel Barquero] concerning the education and development of the human being, knowing that they intervene a series of exponential elements in the education and development of the potentialities of the individual, making the effort to categorize them that range from the genetic load, the cultural levels, the environment, psychological aspects (stimulation at an early age, interest, motivation and school among others) that give this handicap to each being and finally the economic support with which it can dispose or count, to some of the obices that can be added in a natural and dynamic way and which products of non-assertive decision-making could be generated. MSc in teaching and learning processesTranslation:
These words liked me a lot and I share it: "The quality of education is conditioned to the quality of the teachers", in fact, the continuous updating of a teacher is an important factor in the quality of the knowledge imparted, of the stimulus that one projects to the student and in turn of the rejoicing that remains to see to grow that seed in each one of them. Thank you for the information.Translation:
I am very grateful for the contributions they make for the learning of the sciences ...Translation:
Very interesting the opinion of Eleuterio Martínez [Eleuterio Martínez], I want to indicate the essential points:Translation:
THANK YOU VERY MUCH for the information. Although I may not always be able to convey my opinions to you, I welcome the invaluable work done by that Human Science Team in order to make known the contributions of so many human beings committed to the future, betting on the construction of the human being of the future, erected socially and intellectually based on the capital of knowledge that has been riddled by humanity to the present, plus the novel contributions of the technology in progress. " Go ahead ..., they are passing by luminous paths, laying the foundations and the referent to open the doors of tomorrow.Translation:
Thank you very much for the information!!Translation:
Very interesting the report.Translation:
Thank you very much for sending.Translation:
Perfect appreciation in today's comments, I identify and suggest to encourage the combined education among all the different and influential entities such as the media, also to look for ways to reward and/or recognize the good behaviors of the citizens.Translation:
I find it very interesting and important to give the importance of the quality of the teacher, which further commits the universities in their training and selection.Translation:
That in every country and especially in Latin America it must promote the first bases is in the family nucleus for education because? to be able to expand and to be understood in the academies teaching /learning and to project in the enterprises but that it is worth that today exists in our countries dysfunctional homes directed by single mother. Grandmother or sometimes the mother leaves the children to the parents then who leads education? Well, there are exceptions that leave individuals ready and good professionals, but most of them are illiterate and then do not learn. To defend their rights as human beingsTranslation:
Thank you very much for sending this valuable information.Translation:
Thank you very much for the information. I am sure it will be very useful.Translation:
SUGGESTED BIBLIOGRAPHY: Our process looks at the emancipatory edquication Pablo Freire focused on critical pedagogy: PEDAGOGY OF THE OPPRESSED; PEDAGOGY OF INDIGNATION, PEDAGOGY OF HOPE in order to deepen the process of transformation of the social subject of learning the Bolivarian Revolution of the SXXI. Link:
Education must be oriented towards the formation of the citizen and the citizen of the future, and this means forming values of respect, solidarity, commitment, resilience. Beings capable of living in the open world to the possibilities, creative, flexible thinking and promoter of the reflexive action. It is necessary to prepare the teacher from a globalizing vision of social commitment, open to new technologies, to change. They, teachers have to be the protagonists of change but you can't give what you don't have for that change should start with the formation of the new teacherTranslation:
Our education must be avant-garde, and go hand in hand with the theoretical with the practical, moving towards an approach aimed at strengthening our educational and cultural weaknesses and to strengthen the area of tourism, mining (strategic and conventional materials), the area of agricultural food and livestock in the same way to develop the large, small and medium agro-industry. Our education must be relevant to our needs, and the Family-Education co-responsibility must be developed. The development of a system of care, training, prevention and maintenance of a self-contained nature, which will ensure the unique and exclusive interests of the care and protection of the environment, which applies the law contained in our constitution to those who violate them, must be our north. Education must cease to be passive and must have belligerence or at least must be respected the orientations that it emanates towards the student, the community and therefore society .........Translation:
My dear friends: I read all the messages sent by you. Keep working as you have. Hugs, Delia Beretta of VillarroelTranslation:
In these moments of CRISIS we can visualize and live the situation of the world where we are immersed the teachers in the new technologies in the personal changes in the changes of attitude in the changes of paradigms, the Education invites us to the update at academic level but it really is to the personal update we must be sustainable, active and interactive so that the children, adolescents and sometimes the same adults understand us. the dynamics of life comes to us teaching how to communicate with the other, my state of mind must prevail therefore I must focus on my responsibility in the fulfillment of the objectives proposed in my work area, I must worry and care to maintain a living spirituality in faith and hope that we can all change and learn. we must contribute to the development of the country from the perspective of optimism and good faith so that everything shines and comes out pretty.Translation:
Greetings, very assertive your comments [Ruth Paez Granja] [Delia Beretta de Villarroel], education does not transform if there is no commitment for and educational actors, in addition I consider that to be an educator must be by conviction and not by mere pleasure, a situation that worries in the last years, having as a consequence personal that what it does is harm to the students.Translation:
Excellent comments from the Profs Ruth Paez and Delia Beretta congratulated them, hopefully many of those who contribute here are in that line of thinking. I hope that those responsible for education at the level of government will read and meditate on the programs that must be brought forward as soon as possible.Translation:
Congratulations to the SIMPLE SCIENCE team for the effort to contribute elements and strategies in order to raise the educational quality and especially the incentive in the search for scientific knowledge by our youth.Translation:
No people progress if they don't have a good education. And I would add a QUALITY EDUCATION, offered to children, young people and well-fed adults, in schools, lycées, universities and special institutions, all with qualified teachers, teachers and teachers, meeting and well-paid and parents, representatives extremely concerned about the development of their represented and a State dedicated to protecting, supervising and consolidating experiences that provide good intellectual training, cultural and social of educating in any of the levels and modalities of the educational system, in order to make them integral Venezuelans, prepared to live in a democratic society, fair and free, in which every citizen can find and enjoy the world better to which he is entitled. Delia Beretta of VillarroelTranslation:
While we understand the importance of education in a society, however, the governments of the day do not establish the most suitable policies and strategies to transform it and improve it qualitatively. The efforts are usually central to the quantitative, and the fact that the reforms, changes, transformations, must be constructed in social groups, in which the educational actors participate, that is, teachers, students and community, is not prioritized.Translation:
Primary, middle and higher education in Venezuela must first of all seek to form "Citizens". Or to paraphrase the ideas of our liberator Simon Bolivar: to form free, responsible and productive men of personality. As long as we continue to form "Subjects", or be submissive people, little critical and therefore unproductive, we will continue to create cultural Sub-development. If we are to form scientists, we must previously form good citizens, under a meritocratic scheme.Translation:
He rescued from opinions, and with this hierarchy: 1-people (not people) prepared and aware, of critical thinking for the understanding of the world 2-with integral training based on values, identity, knowledge and proper use of languages, which merits a formalknowledge base and positive behaviors.Translation:
Dear colleagues, I recommend the portal "Other Voices in Education", available at:
Thank you for sending me the comments. If anything, be worth a "comment to the comments": in some cases, the comments come exposed in a wording that, or is confusing or is peppered with errors. I am concerned about the way in which some colleagues, I think, are drawn from the group that is interested in the development of education in general.Translation:
Hello good report, my humble opinion is the following, education is essential for every society and for the life of the human being, however knowledge is not guarantee of the success or development of a country, in the case of Venezuela is evidenced a lot of young professionals who without doubt have their weaknesses and their strengths. These professionals are within a system where opportunities are scarce and where it is generally promoted is the work and not the study. The higher study has enormous weaknesses, it finds something decontextualized, it needs reform from its roots and above all the university needs form innovative people creators of technologies, because we have the potential to do it but unfortunately little are the institutions that motivate to take those steps. Greetings and Thank YouTranslation:
I agree that education is fundamental to the development of the smallest cell. The family and from there The society and the countryTranslation:
interesting to know that we have teams that continue to be concerned about the Venezuelan education system. For my concept it is urgent the action either vertically or horizontally, to verify and certify objectively what we are teaching and its usefulness in the life of the students, the country and the social and ethical moral culture that we are observing both in our teachers and in the family and of course children and young people while there is not the radical change that the scholars bring to what we have. What options do the universities give us so that we can take advantage of the human resource they are forming that they propose to those who have professorships where they are not specialists and beyond that to prevent our children and young people from continuing to become criminals. It is urgent that each of us add efforts so that the vocation is a light in this darkness through which this system is bound to the domes that from their desks project to facilitate an inefficient model.Translation:
If we want the current Venezuelan education to exceed its levels of citizen acceptance and to increase academic training both scientifically and technically, it is necessary to consider the following elements: 1. -No more foreign interference or politicization in our education, 2.-q the current leaders of the educational area: minister, supervisors, collectives, heads of areas and associates possess the tools in title, vocation and criteria to direct the reins of learning, 3.-Q the schools have the minimum conditions for their operation, 4.-q the rights of teachers with decent salaries according to the inflation of the nation and 5.-Q leave the ministers, supervisors, directors and educational coordinators, at least two (2) years in their duties to not deteriorate the relations between the staff and to better develop the educational policies in their various manifestations and localities.Translation:
Always important, listening to opinionsTranslation:
Very interesting the report, achieving the purposes of education are possible if each individual can understand what their barrier is to learn and be able to handle them. Applied Scholastics offers accurate Study Technology to achieve effective learning.Translation:
Quality education and providing supervision and updating of the curriculum is an undeniable impact. When I say curriculum I include teachers and the cultural environment where it is taught. Any innovation must comply with the following guiding principles: KNOWLEDGE II. A WILLINGNESS TO APPLY THEM WITHOUT DELAY, AND TO THOSE WHO ARE AT THE DECISION-MAKING LEVELS OF WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE AND HOW TO DO SO. And to be very present the proverb of Solomon (Prov 29:19): The alienated is not corrected only by words, because even though he understands it does not make a case.Translation:
Good work, a necessary reflection on education and its important role in societies ...Translation:
What a good report! God will continue to bless you.
Desarrollo para la Ciencia y la Tecnología, C. A. Apartado Postal 2005 |