University of Deusto
VOL. 7, NO. 5, PGS. 12–20


Bridging Cultures to Avoid Conflict
Understanding Historical Biases, Navigating International Relations and Fostering Global Harmony
Anshan Li

Anshan Li is a Professor in the School of International Studies at Peking University and the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. He serves as the Honorary President of the Chinese Society of African Research, Vice President of the Chinese Society of Asian-African Studies, Vice President of the International Scientific Committee of UNESCO General History of Africa (Volume IX-XI), and is also a Member of the Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco.

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When different civilizations come into contact, they initially develop biases due to distinct languages, cultural barriers, and conventional ethnocentrism, which is a common phenomenon. People are accustomed to using their own culture and values as a reference frame to assess and judge the attitudes and behaviors of others.


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