VOL. 1, NO. 2, PGS. 1–1


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Since the current Venezuelan constitution was proclaimed in 1999, the Venezuelan education system has been undergoing profound changes. According to documents of the Process of Curricular Change in Secondary Education, all these transformations have been aimed at consolidating an education governed by Bolivarian and Rodriguesian principles. According to the 2009 [...]

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Marcos Requena
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Marcos Requena
Centro de Investigación de la Comunicación
Línea Educación Digital y Sociedad el Conocimiento

Desarrollo para la Ciencia y la Tecnología, C. A.

Apartado Postal 2005
Maracay 2101–A
Aragua, Venezuela

+58 (0) 416 164.99.69

Depósito Legal: AR2016000116
ISSN: 2610-7864